Short post on futurism. If you don't watch the morning news, like me, or the rest of America not working on Wall Street or in a teacher's union, you missed the story on one of the first successful, possibly consumable, jetpacks.
The BBC reported that inventor Glenn Martin, and his guinea pig of a 16 year old son, tested out the flying machine for all of 45 seconds. Orville Wright took his Flyer for a 12-second, joyride. So yea, Martin family in effect. Orville...yr a half-assing chump.

I say all of this because, all I really want, is for the 16 year old son of a mega nerd to grow up to be the Rocketeer. As of right now, the jet packs, with their dork-protected shock absorbers are of course in their most infantile stages, and can only fly for 30 minutes, and a mile a minute. Also the Government wont let you fly the thing over congested areas, which totally shanks its super hero assisting capabilities. Hopefully by the time the kid is 21 he can fly these things for hours, and maybe the pack will have a beer holder.