Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Remember to Feel Real

I've always wanted to live in London. Not for any real reason- It's regularly cloudy, damp, and I hear that I would magically get bad teeth- but I feel like it may be a neat place to live, despite the hearsay. So I've started reading (and now writing for) this website called This isn't so much a shameless plug, because that's obvious, but more of a call to check out how our [only] mates in the war against terror look at music. Just as a heads up, their really gassed off of the Canadian band, Holy F*ck. So check it out and see how you fancy what I consider American music from Her majesty's point of view.


jenell o' boogie said...

that link did not work, sir!

e. Styles said...

It should work now, it should!