Thursday, October 23, 2008

Una luz que nunca se apaga

I dislike the winter months. Not solely because they are cold, but because that cold makes me want to stay in longer, and that reminds me how lonely the world can be. (this is not a post on the new Charlie Kaufman move, Synecdoche, I promise.)

That this melancholy bile that rises in my heart, makes me listen to my entire Smiths collection. But, Morrissey and his crew, ain't just for the emo, dark haired plain-clothes of "alternative" America, but oddly enough, also for the Chicano community of east LA. What connection do they share that makes him so meaningful?

Peep the OC Weekly article

And Take a gander at this great video below!


Joey said...

Don't I even get a shout out on this?

e. Styles said...

haha- i thought about it, but i didn't want to take away from the Chicanos. They need a little bit oh shine as well.