Monday, July 16, 2007

Can It Be All So Simple

Protect your neck. Word is, from a reliable source, that the Wu-Tang Clans newest album, 8 Diagram, shall be released on November 9th, 2007. There's a lot of sentimental value tied up in that date. For those of you kids not up on your wu-history, the very first Clan album dropped 14 years ago on that very day. Ah, sentimentality at its best. Those from the slums of Shaolin are doing a good job on keeping the album from leaking by only releasing demo cuts to promoters and the like. If you check out spins article in its August 2007 issue, you shall be able to calculate which period we are in, in relation to when the album should be leaked. November is only a few months away, how patient do they expect us to be?

Just as a little added info, the album takes its name from a movie titled 8 Diagram Pole Fighter.

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