Thursday, November 01, 2007

Exit Music (For A Film)

While perusing the internets during a "mental break" at work, I stumbled across a film exhibition that will soon be ending at the MoMa. By soon, I mean in December, but we all know how quickly months can get away from us. As the mercury lowers in your thermometers, now is the time to find ideal indoor activities, and this one is pretty clutch. The deal, is essentially this, MoMa will close its Disney-esk video vault for some period of time, which makes this window of opportunity all that more valuable. I snagged a brief summary of how dope this is from

Founded in 1935 as the Film Library, this department's collection now includes more than 22,000 films and four million film stills; the strongest international film collection in the United States, it incorporates all periods and genres. Among the holdings are original negatives of the Biograph and Edison companies, and the world's largest collection of D. W. Griffith films. The film collection is stored in the Museum's Celeste Bartos Film Preservation Center, a state-of-the-art facility that opened in June 1996. The Department's video collection, begun in 1970, includes some 1,000 works dating from the 1960s to the present, ranging from educational pieces and broadcast documentaries to works by video artists.

All you do is pay the admission cost, scuttle your butt in there, and get your film pimp hand strong. Check out the MoMa page for specifics on the films and screening dates & times, but be prepared to be blown away by the expansive collect. Blockbuster, Netfix, and Hollywood Video, you have been shamed.

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