Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Lonely Love

It's time to get to know the author. I write you all, semi-consistently, from a Dell inspiron 5100, who was born the summer of 2003. It once ran Windows XP as it's OS (operating system) but since windows blows, I jumped ship, and now run ubuntu. Ubuntu is a Linux based os that doesn't cause nearly as much trouble as pesky Microsoft. It's also relatively easy to modify. For example, I haven't been able to play m4a formatted jams. Which has been driving me crazy, in terms of grabbing tracks from various sources. Today, I fixed that problem. The future is now.

What I'm really excited for, is my upgrade to Unbutu Studio (It's web page is a little unstable thus far, but just keep refreshing, and that link should wow you). It has interesting applications for music, art, and video. This could pump my workspace up significantly, and hopefully maximize the progress on some "side projects" I have in the queue. I don't really expect you guys to get too gassed off of this, but I know a few of you are really creative people, with ideas oozing out of your...um...ears. So hopefully, this helps you, so you don't have to get bent over by those folks who make you pay for cool software.

One problem though. It may seriously screw up my computer for a little, but that's only wireless card trouble, and its still a pretty big MAYBE. So, this being said, it does take some concentration. It's not exactly rocket science, but its not like stuffing play-dough in a square peg either. Check it out, and perhaps, you too will make the change.

If I never blog again, its cuz my computer died, so wait before you make the change to see how things work out to take my word...

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