Friday, March 16, 2007

Duke Booty

It's back to rain here in the east...whooo! After a few hours at work, and spending the rest of the day with Jalisa, I've come back to just sit on my tuffet, so to speak. I figured, why not post some real info since I've just been lazing around all week?

Firstly, Movies! Jalisa and I were thinking of going to see either the Ninja Turtle movie, or the New Adam Sandler & Don Cheadle movie. Don Cheadle, who I think is stellar in many of the projects he takes on, is to direct and star in the biography of Miles Davis. For those who are not really too aware of Miles real life are in for a treat. I hope they don't take the route of showing miles as a musical genius, and instead stay true to the dichotomy of monster and musician that he really was. I'm pumped for it, and will go on the list of movies I'm really excited to follow. Currently the list is: Sex and the City: The Movie

Travis McCoy, of Gym Class Hero fame, is joining his home town homies of the project Bernnie Allen, to produce their own clothing line. Since I'm busy building an Indie Hood empire, I wont be purchasing any, but I feel its only fare to give a shout out. It's essentially spry paint--graffiti fashion, which is pretty cool, I suppose. I'm more of a minimalist kinda guy.


TJ said...

i hope you're lying about that sex and the city movie

TJ said...
