Monday, June 04, 2007

Killer Bees

No, this isn't another post about Wu-Tang. This is about real, good ole fashion, Thomas J. killin bees. In a rare conversation with my father this weekend, he randomly informed me that the bee population world wide is decreasing. "It's about damn time global warming stated doing positive things!" was my initial reaction, but then I though, "who shall protect the honey for my cheerios?!" After further research, due to the fact that my father is far from a reliable source on many things, I discovered that not only is my cereal in danger, but also many fruits that I hold dear. Granted, bees are a pain in...where ever you may get stung, but I don't want to imagine a world without apples OR honey flavored cereals. There isn't a "Save the Bee" coalition, but I just though this information would be good to pass on. Tis a sad state of reality...thanks a lot Halliburton (and the Bush Administration).

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