Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Love Letter To My Adopted Hometown

Dear Brooklyn,
It has really been a hectic couple of days. I moved to you yesterday, a little later than planned. Once I stepped foot off the train, and into your hood...I got lost. But luckily, you're filled with friends both new and old that helped me find my way. What makes it better, is that my old friends happen to be friends with my new friends. Who, you may wonder? Well my friends Sure Juror played at the Trash Bar last night. The Pawns, who share members with Hello Tokyo, also played. The Pawns, my new friends, played an awesome set, and Sure Juror, too modest to admit it themselves, played a really awesome set as well. I needed the sonic kick in the face to welcome me, and now I feel warm inside [more on the shows in a separate post].
I hope our relationship works out. You take care of my friends, and I'll take care of you, and also try to dupe other friends of mine to coming to inhabit you. It's really a win win. Also--I saw a mural of ODB last night. That was the true sign that I belong. Thank you Brooklyn, for being a friend.

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