I seldom get uppity in terms of music. In fact, the only time I have ever gotten close to going toe-to-toe over music was in defense to FOB. It's sad, but true. So here I come to defend their honor, once again! We can still be friends, right Sir?
FOB is either celebrated, or victimized for their self-deprecation, but never have they been accused of faking the funk. Peter & the boys, however, have become increasingly aware of how no matter what the subtext, anyone and everyone will try to pull their true meaning to the foreground. The beauty of criticism. Take their first single, in all its harmonic beauty.
I I am an arms dealer fitting you with weapons in the form of words
And (don't really care which side wins)
As long as the room keeps singing that's just the business I'm in
Yes, they may be aware of their product, but being self-reflexive? FOB never started out with such grandiose aspirations, and it is doubtful that their current market was foreseen by anyone. Even their fans. That being said, the author of they're captivating lyrics would most likely have to draw on personal experience. What would be the logic behind the belief that this would have to change once fame is added into such a simple equation? This equation being; Boy likes girl,girl likes other boy, or doesn't give boy enough attention, or thinks boy is a little too needy, then boy writes song to try and win her heart in hopes that music will make her turn a blind eye to what instinct tells her is a bad situation.
Also, due to the bands antics, (the most lude being Peter's peter) it is safe to say that there is the possibility that real hearts are being broken. Perhaps, this is just me buying into the hype, effectively forlorn. I'll accept that. Maybe, I am forever a believer of the bleeding heart, an analogy that has been over used during this blog discussion. But maybe, just maybe, its because I know FOB wouldn't openly lie to me:
I'm the leading man
And the lies I weave are oh so intricate, oh so intricate
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