This was originally going to be part of my whole weekend post, but it is just too much fun for me to lose it in a larger post. For those interested in the Philadelphia's political arena, Milton Street has announced he is going to run for the position of "King Hood" of Philadelphia. That's "mayor" to the laymen. Luckily, he has filled all of the prerequisites necessary to become mayor of Philly.
1. Commit a Felony (Tax Fraud)
2. Do not reside in Philly (He lives in Jersey)
3. Be related to current mayor who is known for his "moral" standings.
Being very close to the political circles of Philadelphia & Camden, NJ, I feel that Milton's election must happen. There is a legacy to uphold, plus, the poor man's name is Milton. Also, there are the soundbites to consider. In a day and age where politicians are as essential to pop culture as individuals in the entertainment industry, we should really be looking for people who will make us laugh, not just corrupt our civility behind a canvas of good intentions. Here's what Milton has to offer.
In defense to the whole living in NJ thing:
"I sleep where I sleep." -Can't argue with that logic.
“Those that got a problem with what the federal government did to me, go vote for somebody else. Vote for Watermelon Man. I don’t care.”
...Go on about this watermelon man...?
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