During the day, when I was plotting my post for today, I had this elaborate post in mind. I don't remember what it was going to be on, but it was gonna be slammed with awesome thangs. BUT somewhere around 2ish, I learned I may have an interview tomorrow, so I'm going to stay up tonight trying to come up with questions. So whilst I'm up till the wee hours of the morning, watching gumby on youtube instead of writing, I'd like for you to take note of another interesting cartoon. Class of 3000, a cartoon staring Outkast's Andre 3000, has its theme song up for grabs. It is the most slammin theme song since Chip n' Dale we're droppin beats. I have yet to actually watch the show, due to my lack of cable, but from what I hear, which is pretty much nothing, it's decent at best. Still there is the theme song to enjoy, and that often is more memorable than the show itself. The link to the song is provided by my friend exitfare. Good night, and Good luck.