Sunday, February 04, 2007

Poppa's got a brand new...hip?

Tonight, purple rain will fall in Miami, and I'm giddy as hell to see Prince do half time. Just don't expect too many theatrics. ESPN & Stereogum tells us that due to the excessive humping antics Prince has utilized during the years of stage presence and off stage (oh Sheila!), Prince needs a new hip. This may limit the amount of moving he will be able to do during future shows.


jenell o' boogie said...

he didnt seem to be hindered by his hip pains during it to me! he phallicly played guitar and everything! didnt let anyone down!! no pun intended!

Joey said...

I don't think the hip problems are from the humping. The man's gotta start wearing a decent pair of shoes. The heels are killing him.