Tuesday, February 27, 2007

While You're Waiting

Every now and again, I like to take the opportunity to shake things up. Last night, I went to go see the Gym Class Heroes, despite a raging snow squall. The show was a larger production that I was used to. There were banners, and timed lighting, and lots-o-people. It was still sweet to get guest list priority, and that helped to dilute the fact that this was a big deal show.

In non-gym class news, and to kind of piggy back off of TJ's post on the progress of congress, Virgina's congress finally apologized for slavery. Good for them. It nice to see people fess up to their mistakes. There is still no word on whether or not the ten acres and a mule will be delivered.

For any of you who like a particular Regina Spektor, the pre-sale for her new "Live from CA" CD is happening on itunes, and it's only $3.96! Brooklyn Vegan posts the info on a Europe/college tour that will follow.

Lastly, I was perusing other blogs today, as I tend to do when I should be doing real work, and kept coming across hilariously insignificant comments posted by blog readers. Stereogum, Brooklyn Vegan, Metropolitan Segue(jk); they all have awesome comments that sometimes are only loosely related to the subject matter. It's not like there is any thing to be done about it, but I feel like maybe the are better than the actual posts. That says something about focus on content.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

yay eric's in the picture! i'm so upset i missed this show...gah! i'm glad you made it though, even if it was a bigger show then we're used to seeing them perform.

i didn't see you walking to work today :(

i hope i didn't comment with something terribly off topic...oops too late.