Monday, October 15, 2007

Cosby Is The New Cosby

Bill Cosby is passionately telling anyone willing to listen about how Hip-Hop is destroying America. He is undoubtedly supported by a portion of academia, the church, and several political leaders, and my parents. While I respect Cosby for his attempts towards correcting the ills of our society, I feel that his target of my beloved hip-hop is unfair, and poorly researched.

Bill talks about how the lyrics of "urban music" propagates violence and self hate to the masses. And yes, to an extent, this is true. However, those artists who are at the root of hip-hop (Jay-z, Nas, Lupe, Rakim, Tupac) are not trying to sell a story, but tell a reality they have experienced. Cosby says that record execs are trying to sell this violent lifestyle, and that, I completely agree with. There is not a large assortment of truly prolific emcees, and in order to make a profit on such a relatable art form, phonies have to materialize to appease the demand. So, Dr. Huxtable, re-target your rage toward a bigger beast- consumerism. I'm sure its a huge feat, but that's really what keeps ghetto youths impoverished and angry. And that anger sometimes can be expressed non-violently, and needs a creative outlet, and that outlet is what hip-hop is rooted in.

Check out these clips from Meet The Press:

Listen to some Hip-hop Bill, then get back to us.

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