Thursday, October 11, 2007

Just Another Reason For You To Become Famous

I'm a pretty big fan of Taco Bell. Their cheap-0 taco menu is partially the reason I haven't kicked off, yet. Apparently, if your a famous musician, Taco Bell may approach you, ask you why you love Taco Bell, and if your response is good enough, you get $500 dollars worth of Taco Bell food. I could live for years off of that! So, to my budding starlet friends, get famous fast, so we can celebrate your rocketing album sales over seven layer burritos. [Source]

To help with this, please check out Jenell & the Yets & Hello Tokyo

Album Teaser:


Jamie said...


thanks for the heads up!

jenell o' boogie said...

was my access to free taco bell for oh so many years a foreshadowing of things to come? will i again never have to pay for taco bell goodness?! hizzah, my friend, hizzah!

and of course, ill share the wealth!!!!!!!!!!!